Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Blog

I had a blog before, but I quit blogging earlier this year. I was just gonna start back where I left off, but a lot has happened in that time. I just needed a fresh start because I am a changed person since then. I had what I consider to be a major crisis in my personal life, and I am starting over. This is one way of doing so.

I am about to enter my last semester of nursing school....that's SCARY! No, really! After that I am off to work in the real world. But don't think just because it's summer break that I have had any kind of break at all. I have been enjoying 2 summer classes! Yuck! We did, however, take 2 vacations this summer. One was for our 5th anniversary weekend...a-maz-ing! We totally needed it. It was nice to just get away as a couple and not have to 'worry' about being parents for a whole weekend. We went to Gatlinburg, and it was beautiful! Then the next week we went as a family to visit my parents in Kansas City.

I've been a little obsessed with fitness here lately as well. Remember my major crisis? Well some of it has to do with my health and I lost like 30lbs in 3mths or so! Now I have been obsessed with getting my body back to prepregnancy state!

Top: this was three months after Jakk was born.

Middle: Me 2mths ago.

Bottom: Now at 127lbs (give or take depending n the day)

Well, that's all for now. I need to go feed the herd;)

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